CM2014 Conference Abstracts & Handouts
Select a title for more details about the session:
Title | Author(s) | Handout Link |
A Model for Spoke Services? The AAC Service for Adults in Gloucestershire | Katherine Broomfield (Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust), Louise Walters (Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust) | |
A new tool to support communication between dentist and patients with intellectual and communication disabilities | A new tool to support communication between dentist and patients with intellectual and communication disabilities | Download Handout (pdf 6.4MB) |
A Newly Developed Computerised Accessible Receptive Language Assessment (CARLA) | Andrea Kirton (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team), Simon Judge (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team), Zoe Clarke (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team), Marcus Friday (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team) | |
A Programmed Approach for Implementing the ProxTalker | Sandra Hartley (Logan Technologies) | |
A Right to Communicate | Helen Fletcher (NHS Dumfries & Galloway) | Download Handout (pptx 6MB) |
A Right to Speak: Supporting pupils with communication difficulties | David Fletcher (Forth Valley Right to Speak Partnership) | |
A Toolkit for Teachers: Lesson ideas and activities for pupils using AAC | Deborah Jans (Keycomm Resource Centre), Nicky Ford (Keycomm Resource Centre), Susan Henderson (Keycomm Resource Centre) | |
AAC Around the UK | Heather Crawford, Morag Ferguson , Jacquie Kemp, Sally Chan | |
AAC Online: A series of learning modules for introductory training in AAC | Sally Millar (CALL Scotland), Craig Mill (CALL Scotland) | |
Arabic/English Symbol Dictionary: Early challenges and technological opportunities | E A Draffan (University of Southampton), Nawar Halabi (University of Southampton), Mike Wald (University of Southampton), Amal Idris (Hamad Medical Center - Qatar), Amatullah Kadous (Hamad Medical Center - Qatar), Aejaz Zahid (Mada Center - Qatar) | Download Handout (pdf 409KB) |
“Are Young People who use AAC Equipped to Live Independently?” is locked Are Young People who use AAC Equipped to Live Independently? | Beth Moulam | |
ChatAble: The revolution in AAC apps | Louisa Bainbridge (Therapy Box Ltd) | |
Cloze of Play | Sally Conner (Ingfield Manor School - Scope) | |
Come On, "Sign Out Loud" | Kate McCallum (Beaumont College), Sally Featon (Beaumont College) | |
Communication training for healthcare assistants supporting young people with complex communication needs | Cheryl Hanson (Manchester Metropolitan University) | Download Handout |
Could Speaker Identification Improve the Effectiveness of Aided Communication? | Simon Judge (Barnsley AT Team & Sheffield University) | |
Creative Communication Workshop | Claire Evans (University of Leeds), Catherine Harris (Communication Matters) | |
Delivering 'A Right to Speak' for Scotland: Update | Morag Ferguson (NES) | |
Developing a Quality Assurance process for local AAC services to access equipment funding | Anna Reeves (ACE Centre), Suzanne Martin (ACE Centre), Judith De Ste Croix (Bristol Communication Aid Service) | |
Developing an effective AAC service within the NHS and Education settings | Helen Robinson (Bradford SLT Service), Shelagh Crossley (Chellow Heights Special School) | Download Handout |
Developing Communication Systems for People with Complex Physical, Learning and Visual Difficulties | Judy King | |
Development of LAMP within the UK | Andrea McGuinness (ATtherapy) | Download Handout |
Discover Sensory Guru Products: Developing effective AAC strategies through play | Shona Mitchell (Sensory Guru Ltd), Lee Blemings (Sensory Guru Ltd) | |
Effects of Assistive Communication Training on Stereotypy with Individuals with ASD | Jacqueline Sura (STEPS Center for Excellence in Autism - Ohio), Melinda Griffin (STEPS Center for Excellence in Autism - Ohio), Michele Dunn (STEPS Center for Excellence in Autism - Ohio) | Download Handout |
Employment: An aspiration for those with severe communication impairments? | Helen Whittle (Manchester Metropolitan University) | Download Handout |
Eye to Eye | Patrick Bates | |
EyeTracking Reports for AAC | Hector Minto (Tobii-DynaVox) | |
Get Up and Go - Now! | Toby Hewson | |
Getting communication right: The Cornwall Communication Charter one year on! | Sally Mills (Cornwall Adult Learning Disability Team) | |
How a range of AAC methods have supported participation within Sense Scotland's Service User Consultation Group | Tina Yu (Sense Scotland), Margaret Mackenzie (Sense Scotland) | Download Handout |
I am wondering: who is the real customer here?! | Toby Hewson | |
I can see what you're thinking! Eye gaze technology for the complex student | Sandra Thistlethwaite (Inclusive Technology Ltd) | |
Implementation of AAC strategies, or lack of: Parents' and AAC users' perspectives | Eliane Mackintosh, Angela McCormack | Download Handout |
Improving Privacy in Communication Aids | Jack Browne (Sheffield Hallam University) | Download Handout |
Information Resources and SpeechBubble | Katharine Buckley (ACE Centre) | |
Introducing DynaVox T10 | Tina Voizey (Toby Churchill Ltd) | |
Introducing Grid 3 | Barney Hawes (Sensory Software International Ltd) | |
IPAACKS: What knowledge of AAC do I need for my job? | Janet Scott (SCTCI) | |
Joke Telling Workshop | Lee Ridley | |
Latest Products from Liberator | Mark Street (Liberator) | |
Listening to different voices in families using AAC | Deborah Pugh (Northamptonshire NHS Healthcare Foundation Trust) | |
Mapping AAC in the Netherlands: Applying the CM:RM template | Gillian Townend (Research Centre for Technology in Care), Ruth Dalemans (Centre of Expertise for Innovative Care and Technology), Uta Roentgen (Centre of Expertise for Innovative Care and Technology) | |
MNDA Neuro Wheelchair Project: The right chair at the right time | Christine Orr (Leeds Wheelchair Centre) | Download Handout |
Mobile Applications to Support Communication and Leisure Pursuits for Patients with Acquired Brain Injury | Marie Cox (National Rehabilitation Hospital Dublin), Kevin Doherty (Trinity College Dublin) | |
Music as a Universal Language - Workshop | Mark Rowland | |
Mystery Shopping: Raising the profile of an online AAC resource | Lois Cameron (Talking Mats Ltd), Grant Douglas (Talking Mats Ltd), Elspeth Molony (Stroke Association Scotland) | |
Natural Language Development in AAC | Lindsey Paden Cargill (Helping Hands Center for Special Needs - USA) | |
Parent Power | Alison Webb (Cornwall NHS Foundation Trust) | |
Pictorial Communication: Making it happen | Christine Fincham | |
Poetry Workshop: A love poem to an everyday object | Jon Seagrave, David Young | |
Positive Health in a Person-Centred Way | Tina Seed (Grimsby CLDT), Linda Naveran (Grimsby Health & Well Being Centre) | |
Review of AAC Stroke Cases to Identify Common Practice and Consider Outcomes | Zoë Clarke (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team), Marcus Friday (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team), Andrea Kirton (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team), Vicky Johnson (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team), Simon Judge (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team) | Download Handout |
Reviewing an NHS Service Development Project: Assessment and outcomes criteria for LAMP | Helen Robinson (Bradford SLT Service) | Download Handout |
Richard's Voice: What makes it work? | Sandra Kershaw, Naomi Donougher | |
Seen but Seldom Heard: Using performance poetry to raise awareness about disability | Carrie Hodges (Bournemouth University), Wendy Cutts (Bournemouth University) | Download Handout |
Seldom Heard Voices and the Shouting Mute | Wendy Cutts (Bournemouth University), Carrie Hodges (Bournemouth University), Jon Seagrave aka 'Jonny Fluffypunk', David Young aka 'Shouting Mute' | |
Supporting AAC users with Literacy using Clicker 6 | Anne Williams (Cornwall Augmentative Communication Team) | Download Handout |
Symbols in Health and Social Justice Sectors | Doug Watt (Widgit Software) | |
Symbols or Text, Wordbanks or Worksheets: Supporting students who use AAC to access the curriculum | Marion Stanton (CandLE Limited) | Download Handout |
Talkabout AAC: Development of an online AAC user forum | Angela McCormack (1Voice), Catherine Harris (Communication Matters), Rohan Slaughter (Beaumont College) | Download Handout |
Talking Mats and Dementia: Training family members | Joan Murphy (Talking Mats Ltd) | Download Handout |
Talking Mats: an overview of the literature | Steffy E.A. Stans (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences - The Netherlands), Ruth Dalemans (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), Luc de Witte (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), Anna Beurskens (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences) | |
TaSSeLs: Tactile Signing for Sensory Learners | Joe Woodall (The Orchard School), Denise Charnock (The Orchard School) | Download Handout |
Teaching With Core Words: Building blocks for communication and curriculum | Jennifer Marden (AssistiveWare) | |
Ten Reasons Why Mind Express Supports the Development of Language and Communication Skills for Clients | Ian Foulger (Techcess Communications Ltd) | |
Testing the Reliability and Validity of the Therapy Outcome Measure for AAC | Sally Boa (Talking Mats Ltd), Joan Murphy (Talking Mats Ltd), Pam Enderby (University of Sheffield) | Download Handout |
The DART Project: Improving assistive technology provision in Further Education | Rohan Slaughter (Beaumont College - Scope), Trevor Mobbs (Beaumont College - Scope) | Download Handout |
The Psycholinguistics of Word Production Applied in AAC | Bruce Baker (University of Pittsburgh) | |
Understanding the Roles of Automaticity, Motor Planning, and Executive Function in AAC | Bruce Baker (University of Pittsburgh; Semantic Compaction Systems Inc.) | |
Unspoken Taking Centre Stage | Katie Caryer, Wendy Greenwell , Paul Mooney | |
Update on Talking Mats: New resources and projects | Joan Murphy (Talking Mats Ltd), Sally Boa (Talking Mats Ltd), Lois Cameron (Talking Mats Ltd) | |
Using CODES Collaboratively to Support Children and Young People to Communicate Effectively | Nicola Ford (Keycomm Resource Centre), Susan Henderson (Keycomm Resource Centre), Deborah Jans (Keycomm Resource Centre) | |
Using My Head to Talk, Not My Mouth | Courtney Allen | |
Using performance poetry to research and communicate lived experiences of AAC users | Caroline Hodges (Bournemouth University), Wendy Cutts (Bournemouth University) | |
Using portable touch screen technology to promote play and communication in early development | Melanie Ross (Keycomm Resource Centre) | |
Using Speech Sounds to Construct Messages for Aided Communication | Andrea Kirton (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team), Simon Judge (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team) | |
Visual Support Project: Structured implementation of visual symbol supports within mainstream schools | Julie Baxter (Edinburgh Visiting Teaching & Support Service) | |
What do I get out of working? | Scott Stack | |
What is 'significant support' for people who use AAC? | Liz Moulam, Janice Murray (Manchester Metropolitan University) | |
What is New in Proloquo2Go 4 and Proloquo4Text | David Niemeijer (AssistiveWare), Jennifer Marden (AssistiveWare) | |
Where to Start? A journey through a complex AAC assessment | Andrea Kirton (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team), Victoria Johnson (Barnsley Assistive Technology Team) | |
Working As Assistant University Tutor in Speech, Language and Communication | Scott Stack | Download Handout |
Working Together, Communicating Together: Involving AAC service users within Lothian | Deborah Jans (Keycomm Resource Centre), Helen White (Edinburgh Development Group) |