Eye to Eye
Personal Experience
- Patrick Bates
An introspective view of a personal history of an AAC user.
My name is Patrick Bates, and I am 46 years of age. I have a severe, Cerebral Palsey, Athetoyd, and an AAC user. I live with 24hr care support, in Coventry. I have used a raft of AAC devices, that has formed my life, so I will explore these in my paper, and drawing personal views on each AAC devices.
In September 1986, I presented a paper at the ISAAC Conference, on both my low and high tech AAC methods which I used. That will form the basis of my presentation. 28 years on, my AAC journey has been quite remarkable, and I aim to present a personal perspective.
To this day, I still use an extremely effective combination of both low and high tech AAC devices, which I believe is necessary for a total communication experience to achieve the best quality of life, as possible.
Level of Session
Age Group