MNDA Neuro Wheelchair Project: The right chair at the right time
- Christine Orr (Leeds Wheelchair Centre)
Funding / Sponsorship:
Work funded by Motor Neurone Disease Assocation
Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a fatal, rapidly progressing disease of the brain and nervous system. It leaves people locked into a failing body, unable to move, walk and talk. There is no effective treatment and there is no cure. Current NHS guidance and eligability criteria does not meet the best outcome for the person or best value from the staff time available. The aim of the project is to activiely review and change practice within the NHS to ensure the person get the right chair and the right time, reduce costs and time spent assessing and re-assessing. The aim is to get the provision right the first time.
Integrated work with three wheelchair companies has taken place, to develop a prescription form for three power wheelchairs to meet the requirements of people with a deteriorating neurological condition.
We identified that current prescriptions from wheelchair companies did not meet the requirements for people with MND. Having to order items from other prescription forms as specials, increased costs and time delays. Development of pathways for people with MND and wheelchair provision that gets it right first time, saves time and money in the long term.
Three companies (Invacare, Ottobock and Sunrise) have developed three new prescriptions which are being launched in April 2014. Ongoing work will collate data on cost benefits, time benefits and personal outcomes for the person.
The aim of the project is to influence change within statuatory services by reduced waiting times and improve service delivery with cost efficiences. Wheelchair prescription criteria needs be evaluated to be more flexible for people with a rapidly deterorating condition. Discussion with commissioners is ongoing, with evidence-based practice influencing changes to practice, process and funding of services.
Level of Session
Age Group