AAC Online: A series of learning modules for introductory training in AAC
Practice Report
- Sally Millar (CALL Scotland)
- Craig Mill (CALL Scotland)
CALL Scotland has developed five short AAC online learning modules, to be ‘previewed’ and discussed in this session.
These ‘introduction to AAC’ online modules, created by CALL Scotland and funded by the Scottish ‘Right to Speak’ project, will be freely available for training and for workforce induction and capacity building purposes: 1. Communication in Everyday Life; 2. Communication Support Needs; 3. Introducing AAC; 4. Helping to make AAC work; 5. AAC in the Community.
As part of the ‘Right to Speak’ initiative, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) commissioned work to “design a planned programme of activities to develop capacity and competencies of local services”; and to develop materials “to promote universal support for people who use AAC”. The CALL modules introduce AAC, with supporting video, and signpost further resources. They will be freely available online.
The online modules introduce and promote knowledge of AAC. They embody the Core Values and Commitments and highlight the different ‘AAC Specific Knowledge and Skills’ outlined in the parallel NES project IPAACKS (Informing and Profiling Augmentative and Alternative Communication Knowledge and Skills), making it easy to align training and workforce development with the IPAACKs framework.
Level of Session
Age Group
All Ages
Primary school
Secondary school
Special school
Further/Higher Ed.