Information Resources and SpeechBubble
- Katharine Buckley (ACE Centre)
As part of a DfE National Prospectus Grants Project, the ACE Centre (along with Consortium Partners 1Voice and Communication Matters) have been looking at information provision around AAC. We are putting together some freely available resources which we will be telling you about at the presentation. A key theme of these resources is around low-tech AAC. The resources will be available as interactive e-books as well as PDFs.
We will also be showing you a selection of ‘getting started’ symbol-based charts that can downloaded free of charge in PDF format. We hope these will be a valuable resource for both parents and therapists.
We have also been working hard on the SpeechBubble website, and will be sharing the latest developments. The aim of this website is to provide information around AAC hardware, software and vocabularies. It is also being integrated with the ever popular Apps for AAC website.
Level of Session
Age Group
All Ages
Primary school
Secondary school
Special school
Further/Higher Ed.