Local AAC Services are commissioned through Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), education and social care commissioners.

Most people who need AAC will be supported by Local AAC Services.

Local AAC Toolkit

A catalogue of useful resources developed by NHS England Specialised AAC Services for people who want to raise awareness of the need to develop, and support the establishment of, a local AAC service.

The website was launched in September 2019 at the Communication Matters Conference and is a work in progress. Go to https://localaactools.co.uk/

In order to access the resources, you will need to register on the front page and state which area you are based in. The working party welcome contributions of other resources you may know of and be willing to share on the site. Please email them to: [email protected].

How Assessment Services are Organised in the UK

Services, support and funding arrangements vary across the UK


Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are responsible for providing most local health services. A few specialised services, including “specialist AAC” services, are commissioned directly by NHS England – the new organisation appointed by the Government to oversee the commissioning of all health services.



In 2012, the ‘A Right to Speak’ report was commissioned by the Scottish Government. It contained a number of recommendations which aimed to improve provision and care for individuals who use AAC in Scotland. In 2016, legislation was passed by the Scottish Government which entitled people with communication difficulties to be provided with communication equipment and support. NHS Boards and Integration Joint Boards in Scotland are obligated to fulfil this legislation.

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