Charlton Park Academy, Charlton Park Road
Tel: 020 8854 1019
Contact: Kathryn Stowell
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cenmac.com
Area covered
London – Central
Population served
CENMAC works with pupils of school age living in the Central London local authorities who buy into the service.
CENMAC currently supports 500 pupils across London. We currently do 110 new assessment each year and continue to review the progress of pupils already supported.
Services provided
– Assessment
– Loan of equipment
– Training on software, hardware and access to the curriculum for all adults
– On-going support with yearly review of progress and change of equipment when necessary
– Access for assistive technology – peripherals, word processors, portable computers
– We work with pupils starting to use AAC with support for the use of symbols and start out communication aids
– Help to develop early communication skills
CENMAC works term time only
– 5 Teachers
– Speech and Language Therapist
– Resource Manager
– Support Services Manager
– Technical Support Assistant
Funded by
Education authorities and schools
Permanent or project
Year set up
Referral process
The initial referral is made by contacting CENMAC and a form is sent to school to complete. This is sent back to CENMAC and then the home local authority is approached for funding. If approved, a date is set-up for the assessment. If you are unsure, please see the referral page on our website.