Specialised AAC Services are commissioned and funded directly by NHS England.
People with complex communication and/or access needs will be assessed and reviewed by a specialised service, which will also provide equipment and training.
A service specification defines the scope of the AAC Specialised Services: National standards for AAC services in England
How Assessment Services are Organised in the UK
Services, support and funding arrangements vary across the UK
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are responsible for providing most local health services. A few specialised services, including “specialist AAC” services, are commissioned directly by NHS England – the new organisation appointed by the Government to oversee the commissioning of all health services.
- Find your nearest Specialised AAC Service by Postcode
- Find your nearest Specialised AAC Service on the Map
- List of Local AAC Assessment Services serving England
In 2012, the ‘A Right to Speak’ report was commissioned by the Scottish Government. It contained a number of recommendations which aimed to improve provision and care for individuals who use AAC in Scotland. In 2016, legislation was passed by the Scottish Government which entitled people with communication difficulties to be provided with communication equipment and support. NHS Boards and Integration Joint Boards in Scotland are obligated to fulfil this legislation