CAUK Symbol Survey Released

Consultation to select a UK symbol for Communication Access




Over the past year, the Stroke Association, Communication Matters and the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists have been working with others towards the potential launch of a communication access symbol for the UK. A meeting for stakeholders in June 2016 brought together representatives from a wide range of organisations and professions. Discussions have included international partners and work with other sectors such as visual impairment.

We have tried to make the survey as accessible as possible but recognise that some people may need additional support to help them complete it. Please use whatever method is appropriate such as supported conversation, symbol support or a ‘talking mats’ framework.

A hyperlink to the consultation survey is below:

The survey can also be downloaded as a hard copy.

We would be grateful for your feedback by 31st March 2017. DEADLINE EXTENDED due to popular demand to Friday 28th April.

This is an exciting project which we feel will have a significant impact in the UK. We hope you will want to be part of the consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

If you would like more information, please contact us:

[email protected]