Updates to AACknowledge website (May 2015)

The following journal articles and associated summaries have recently been added to the AACknowledge website:

An Investigation of Aided Language Stimulation: Does it Increase AAC Use with Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Complex Communication Needs?

Measurement of the Visual Attention Patterns of People with Aphasia: A Preliminary Investigation of Two Types of Human Engagement in Photographic Images

Social Interactions of Students with Disabilities Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Inclusive Classrooms

Speech and language therapists’ approaches to communication intervention with children and adults with profound and multiple learning disability

The Loneliness Experiences of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy who use Alternative and Augmentative Communication

The Oral Core Vocabulary of Typically Developing English-Speaking School-Aged Children: Implications for AAC Practice

Using Talking Mats to support communication in persons with Huntington’s Disease

The following journal articles (without summaries) have also been added:

A Metasynthesis of Patient-Provider Communication in Hospital for Patients with Severe Communication Disabilities: Informing New Translational Research

An iPad-Based Intervention for Teaching Picture and Word Matching to a Student with ASD and Severe Communication Impairment

AraBoard: A Multiplatform Alternative and Augmentative Communication Tool

Augmentative and alternative communication supports for adults with autism spectrum disorders

Caregiver Perceptions of Children who have Complex Communication Needs Following a Home-based Intervention Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Rural Kenya: An Intervention Note

Comparisons of intervention components within augmentative and alternative communication systems for individuals with developmental disabilities: A review of the literature

Developing communication in adults with profound and multiple learning difficulties using objects of reference

Disentangling the social threads within a communicative environment: a cacophonous tale of alternative and augmentative communication (AAC)

Effects of Environmental Sounds on the Guessability of Animated Graphic Symbols

Enhancing the Alternative and Augmentative Communication Use of a Child with Autism through a Parent-implemented Naturalistic Intervention

Facilitated Communication and Authorship: A Systematic Review

Happy and excited: Perceptions of using digital technology and social media by young people who use augmentative and alternative communication

Huffman and Linear Scanning Methods with Statistical Language Models

Implementing AAC with children with profound and multiple learning disabilities: a study in rationale underpinning intervention

iPads, Mobile Technologies, and Communication Applications: A Survey of Family Wants, Needs, and Preferences

Noun Representation in AAC Grid Displays: Visual Attention Patterns of People with Traumatic Brain Injury

Predicting language outcomes for children learning augmentative and alternative communication: child and environmental factors

Shared storybook reading with a student who uses alternative and augmentative communication: A description of scaffolding practices

Simultaneous Natural Speech and AAC Interventions for Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Lessons from a Speech-Language Pathologist Focus Group

Smart phone-based context-aware augmentative and alternative communications system

Speech, communication and use of augmentative communication in young people with cerebral palsy: The SH&PE population study

Teaching Graphic Symbol Combinations to Children with Limited Speech During Shared Story Reading

The Impact of Interface Design During an Initial High-Technology AAC Experience: A Collective Case Study of People with Aphasia

Using Dynamic Assessment to Evaluate the Expressive Syntax of Children who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Vocabulary use during storybook reading: Implications for children with augmentative and alternative communication needs

Finally, the following case story has been added:

Supplier case stories