Election 2015: Letters From David Cameron On Specialised Services
Just ahead of the 2015 General Election, the leaders of the Conservative and Labour parties responded to an open letter signed by 56 members of the Specialised Healthcare Alliance (SHCA) on the need for continued national commissioning of specialised services. CM is a member of the group and is closely involved in lobbying, represented by our Chair Catherine Harris.
> Download response from David Cameron
The SHCA responded
Both the Prime Minister and Ed Miliband affirmed the importance of high quality specialised care and paid tribute to the Alliance’s work. Each leader also set out their party’s position on the issue raised by Alliance members.
Specialised Healthcare Alliance
The SHCA is a coalition of patient-related groups and corporate members with a strong record of campaigning on behalf of people with rare and complex conditions in need of specialised care. In the years since its formation in 2003, the Alliance has played a significant part in changing the landscape for specialised services, pressing the case for further reform as reflected in the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The transfer of responsibility for specialised commissioning to NHS England under the Act provides opportunities to improve specialised services in a highly challenging financial climate: more robust funding must however be combined with a levelling up of standards.