ISAAC 2014 – Travel Assistance for People who use AAC
Grant applications are now being accepted from people who use AAC to support their attendance at ISAAC 2014, the 16th Biennial Conference of ISAAC, in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference dates are July 19-24, 2014.
ISAAC has limited funding available to support members who use AAC to attend the conference. We cannot provide 100% funding for every member who uses AAC, but we will evaluate all submissions and provide some assistance to a number of people.
Please follow the link below for details and an application form:
Travel Assistance to Attend ISAAC Conference: People who use AAC
Only current ISAAC members are eligible to apply. The closing date for applications is December 16, 2013. Successful applicants will be notified by March 21, 2014. We look forward to receiving your application.