AAC Evidence Base Research Project: July 2012 Update
Can you help with our research?
The researchers at the University of Sheffield have been busy travelling the UK over the last few months, holding meetings and interviews with specialist AAC services, practitioners, teachers, commissioners, AAC users and their communication partners.
They have gathered significant and valuable data from these sources but would like to involve more of the following people who live in the UK:
• People who use electronic communication aids. The researchers are also keen to hear from people in the UK who used an electronic aid in the past but stopped using it (whatever the reason) and from people who are currently being assessed but don’t have an aid yet. There is an online survey for you to complete. Can you help us reach our target of 100 completed surveys by the end of September?
Click here to complete online survey for people who use an electronic communication aid
• Communication partners (in the UK) of people who use, or have used, electronic communication aids or who are currently being assessed. You could be a family member or carer.
Click here to complete the survey for communication partners
By completing one of the surveys you will help us to build a more complete picture of AAC services in the UK.
A survey is also being developed for teachers and lecturers who teach people who use aided communication is also being developed. More information about the project.
Views of professionals sought via telephone interviews
Dr Alex John from the University of Sheffield would also like to interview professionals who work in technical roles with people who use or may need AAC, such as clinical scientists, assistive technologists, technicians and occupational therapists. This will help us to understand better how AAC services involve different professionals. If you would be willing to participate in a telephone interview (30 minutes) please contact Alex at [email protected]
If you are a person who uses AAC, a family member, carer or practitioner, and would like to participate in AAC research then please visit the Research Involvement Network webpage at www.communicationmatters.org.uk/page/research-involvement-network for more information or contact the Research Manager.
For more information…
- visit www.communicationmatters.org.uk/research
- or email Katie Holmes, Research Manager on [email protected]