Getting AAC into EHCPs, by Hook and Crook: By Hub and Spoke?



Practice Report

    • Chris Sherlock


The Children and Families Act 2014 has introduced the SEND (special educational needs and disability) reforms and Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) in England. These replace the previous ‘statementing process’. We have been trying to work out how, with limited resources, to get AAC in to the EHCPs of the children and young people we see and to use this to influence provision and outcomes.


We will review the legislation, guidance and intended pathway through the process. We will share and signpost to what we have found, helpful such as training, advice, guidance and templates. We will give perspectives from colleagues who are not SLTs. We will discuss how we might develop our working to more fully gather and put centrally the voice of the child/young person and parents.


We have limited experience to date but we will discuss what we have tried, the challenges and compromises we have made. We will share how we are working to improve what we do in a challenging context. We will ask participants to contribute to the discussion.


We will show how we have evolved with the process and continue to evolve.


Level of Session


Age Group



Primary school
Secondary school
Special school
Further/Higher Ed.

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