Eye Gaze Technology for Voice Output Communication: Some case studies



Practice Report

    • Friedl van Vuuren (Kent & Medway CAT)
    • Debbie Bailey (Kent & Medway CAT)
    • Nicole Tumber (Kent & Medway CAT)
    • Richard Miles (Kent & Medway CAT)


What do we define as “successful use of eye gaze technology”? Depends on what you set out to achieve – pure enjoyment, leisure, voice output communication or all of the above. As a service, our ultimate aim is to provide technology to service users to enable them to communicate, access & demonstrate learning and ultimately also general access to computers. Therefore, when we consider providing and supporting eye gaze technology for communication we have to consider added value, i.e. what does it add that other methods of access do not?

We reflect on case studies, applying previous evidence and research from the Cogain project findings and advice, more recent GOSH research with “9 descriptions of underlying skills used in eye-pointing”, alongside the different descriptions for eye gaze (technology software based) learning progression. We can then hypothesise other contributing factors (by no means a complete list) that need to be considered before, during and after on-going eye gaze assessment for communication.


Reflective review of five case studies – three children & two adults.


Beginnings of a list of possible skills and other factors required to use eye gaze technology for independent expressive communication.


More collaborative AAC world thinking and reflection required.

Level of Session


Age Group

All Ages


Primary school
Secondary school
Special school