What is Research Connections?
The Research Connections email newsletter is our way of keeping you informed about current AAC research projects. It’s a great source of information if you want to:
- Participate in research
- Offer advice or guidance to researchers
- Recommend new areas for research
- Connect with other research projects
We won’t share your details with third parties; you choose which projects to connect with or whether to attend any of our Research Connection events.
To subscribe, please enter and submit your email details in the form below.
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Information for Researchers
If you are inviting participants to your forthcoming or current research project and would like to submit project details for inclusion in Research Connections, please email us at [email protected] with the following details:
- Title of your research project
- A short, easy read description of your project (as included in your funding proposal)
- The type of involvement required: participation, consultation, research subject, co-researcher, steering group member etc
- Name of the lead research institution
- Web link for further information
- Contact details for participants to get in touch