TASSCC, Braeside School, Braeside Place Aberdeen AB15 7TX Tel:…

SCTCI (Scottish Centre of Technology for the Communication Impaired)

Barrhead Centre, 8 Carlibar Road Barrhead G78 1AA Tel: 0141…

AAC Lothian

1c Pennywell Road Edinburgh EH4 4PH Tel: 0131 311 7130 Fax:…


4th Floor North, Rothesay House, Rothesay Place Glenrothes KY7…

CALL Scotland

University of Edinburgh, Paterson’s Land, Holyrood Road Edinburgh EH8…

Ayrshire & Arran AAC Resource

Room 156 Admin Block, Ayrshire Central Hospital, Kilwinning Road Irvine KA12…

ASLTIP (The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice)

The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent…